Blog 3 Final Project Matt Melnyk

My idea for my Final Project is to make a Captain America: Civil War trailer. I had this idea when working on the group project and wanted to even possibly work on it with my group, but i felt it wouldn’t work well as a group project. Since this Final Project is a solo project i can work on it and make exactly how i see fit. The reason i decided to make a Civil War Trailer is because it’s practically going to be another Avengers movie, but they’ll be fighting one another. With all the trailers from the previous MCU movies already released; its going be to exciting to see what clips i’ll find to edit them together to make a believable Civil War trailer. I already have a few clips and some ideas i want to do with them. I have edited trailers together before so i have experience, but it  is very time consuming because i find myself always re-watching and always making changes. Also it is difficult if you have an idea in mind but cant find the right clip could cause a lot of problems. As of right now i feel fairly confident I’ll be able to make a convincing Civil War Trailer. Tomorrow I’ll be taking the clips i already have and start putting them all together and just go from there.

Final Project: Alternate ending to Dr. Horrible

For my final project, I would like to do an alternate ending for Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog in the form of a script. I like happy endings and I’m really interested to see what would happen if Penny hadn’t died and Dr. Horrible would have had to face her reaction to his evil alter ego. I would like to explore the aftermath of the death ray attack at the homeless shelter reopening both as it relates to Dr. Horrible and Penny’s relationship as well as his entry into the League. Penny’s death obviously serves the plot in a very important way but I think reimagining the ending without her death could pose some equally important internal struggles for Dr. Horrible.

As of right now I would like to do a reprise of one of the songs, inserting my own lyrics. I don’t know how ambitious that idea is but I think it would be pretty awesome. I’d like to have one last confrontation between Captain Hammer and Dr. Horrible and obviously, highlight the moment that Penny realizes who Billy really is. I could see her being very conflicted with the news and needing some time to process everything. Perhaps this is where I would explore Dr. Horrible entering the League but not finding any fulfillment in it without Penny in his life. I want to have the two characters reunite, maybe at the laundry room? Maybe with a frozen yogurt peace offering? Something symbolic of their relationship!

I feel like writing a script would be the best way to go about this so I can write exactly what I want and not be inhibited by my lack of media skills. I’m really excited to do this project and where these ideas take me!

Final Project Ideas

When thinking of this final project, I am not entirely sure on exactly what to do or how to come up with a project that is equivalent the same workload as an 8-10 pages paper. The only real sure thing that I truly know is that I am not choosing to write an 8-10 page paper. However, I did come across a few ideas for the project in which I would appreciate it if I could hear an opinion from an outside perspective.

The first idea that I came a cross is to write a screenplay and create a storyboard of scene from the fanfiction, Rage of Ultron. The other option is to actually personally film/edit a scene from the fanfiction, Rage of Ultron, or combine/edit clips of previous works in Marvels Cinematic Universe to create a trailer to this fanfiction as well as create a storyboard or a written screenplay. Rage of Ultron is a fan’s personal adaptations to the events that follow the Marvel’s film, Avengers: Age of Ultron. The story is about Tony Stark’s life after he quits the Avengers and is currently suffering from being entirely blamed for the destruction that was caused by Ultron. One night while Pepper is dealing with the dramatic drop in the company’s stocks. Tony is home alone starting to regret ever putting on the Iron Man suit and questions whether or not to give up being Iron Man and just donate all of the Iron Man suits to his best pal, Brody. Later that evening the power goes out and it is reveled that Ultron is still alive and he only wants to get revenge on he creator, Tony Stark.

The other idea is to create a personal adaptation of the Avengers. In this version, it follows the Avengers, in their late teens/early 20s, as college students. The story follows they struggle with being just an ordinary college student and still fighting crime. During their four years you will see as they join clubs, Greek life, and struggle in passing their classes. The way I would be personally creating this story film would be by either writing a screenplay for it, creating a storyboard, creating a trailer or creating/editing a short film about it.

My final idea is to create a storyboard, trailer or short film about the Dc Comics’ Justice League fighting against Marvel’s Avengers. This will be about their dimensions intertwining and the are accusing each other for the reason this had occurred and the chaos it brought to each other’s world.

Final Project

For the final paper, I would like to look into and study how Whedon’s time jumps or foreshadowing plays out in his works, particularly revolving around Dollhouse. The fact that there are 2 episodes inter mixed with the current timeline, it works in an odd fashion of following the story and twists. Plot lines, twists, and other elements into mingle between the two time frames in interesting ways and can lead down a rabbit hole of how Whedon as a director, writer, and show runner was able to envision two drastically different worlds stemming from the same main event. Other elements of Foreshadowing or time lapses can be found in other elements of his work from Buffy to Firefly and examining how these function within the theory of Whedon as a sole author can build some interesting arguments about Whedon as a whole. We get hints at Dawn’s appearance beginning with Season 3 and Faith, we get hints to major events several times in Buffy and Firefly and Dollhouse.

Expanding on this, I would like to also examine how these time gaps also function to interact with fans and the creative outlets they create within the diegesis. How the stories are confined, blown open or expanded based on hints or future events that you know happen based off of the literal time jumps within Dollhouse.

Final Project Video Idea

i would rather swim to japan than write a huge paper, so i have chosen to do some sort of video instead. i would like to talk about how video games are a the next step in media, and how theyre under appreciated by people outside of the gaming community. they are a very strong and valid form of media, taking everything from a movie and making it interactive. giving someone control over the the pace, content, direction of the story simply makes video games the best technical form of media of all time. on top of giving the players the ability to interact with the finished game, modders and other starting game developers can use the same game and ideas to create something new, or expand on whats already been laid out using the same tools that the original had. its a very unique and beautiful thing that hasnt really been possible until now. i also want to talk about the underlying things that some people dont talk about or think of, like the little things in games that take it to the next level. for example, putting effort into art style and design rather than just pure graphics and resolution.  of course, one thing that i really see as a challenge for this is the “acting”, or possibly voice over that i would do. i hate being on camera/mic, so i might just end up typing a paper in the end anyway for the simple fact that i hate how i look and sound too much to put into any relevant form of media.

Final Paper

One of the main issues Joss Whedon has encountered in his career is the level of control he has over his projects.  My paper will explore the conflicts between Whedon and various other contributors to the films and television series he has worked on, including directors, studios, and television channels, and how they affected both the finished product and Whedon’s perception of it.  One of the earliest examples of such a conflict in Whedon’s career was with the movie of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.   Whedon was unhappy over several issues, most famously actor Donald Sutherland’s rewriting of his lines.  Similarly, Whedon was unsatisfied with the film Alien: Resurrection, for which he wrote the script but had to rewrite it five times based on 20th Century Fox’s demands.  He also felt that the movie was terribly miscast and that director Jean-Pierre Jeunet changed the intended delivery of many of the lines.

Later in his career, Whedon was involved in two well-known feuds with the Fox television channel over his shows Firefly and Dollhouse.  Both shows were cancelled after relatively short runs.  They both had low ratings, but this was partially due to being shown on Friday nights, a decision which was made because of Fox’s discomfort with the subject matter of both shows.  More recently, Whedon had to fight with Marvel Studios over Avengers: Age of Ultron in order to keep scenes like the farmhouse and the dream sequences in the film, and he ended up having to compromise with the studio by putting in other scenes that he felt did not fit into the film.  Whedon is not the only screenwriter or director to fight with a studio or another artist, and I might discuss some other notable examples not involving Whedon.  I am still working on finding sources to use as references.

Final Project – Jen

The Avengers take on high school

For my final project for this class I will be rewriting a scene from The Avengers. Specifically, the argument scene from the first movie, where the whole team, minus Hawkeye, is in Dr. Banner’s lab arguing about S.H.I.E.L.D. and one another.  What sparked this idea was Whedon’s remake of Much Ado to Nothing. I decided I wanted to pull this scene out and put it in a completely different time or place, the only difference being that I will rewrite the words to fit into the period of choice rather than just adapt the scenery and actors. For my choice in location for this scene, I chose a high school. I thought it would be interesting to simplify Whedon’s elaborate characters into a single high school stereotype. These characters have so much depth in the original scene, I thought it would humorous and interesting to make this a scene to go in your typical trashy teen movie, a guilty pleasure genre of mine. I want to try to incorporate humor similar to that of Joss Whedon, thinking about some of the characters he created in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This particular piece of fan fiction will have some challenges for me. Firstly, figuring out the perfect stereotype for each character in the scene and then figuring out what I want the big issue to be. In the original scene, they’re fighting about the Tesseract, weapons of mass destruction and other worlds – obviously all topics not discussed every day in a high school. Thus it will be important to find a logical situation which a fight like this could arise out of.

Final Project idea

For the final project I’m going to take the media route instead of writing a paper. As tempting as a paper sounds, I feel like some type of media project would be a fun way to approach Whedon’s work. Also, I like working with video and editing and since I didn’t get to do that in the group project it’d be nice to work with it for the final project. That being said, I’ve decided to dive deeper into the fandom section of the class and make a Whedon fan video. It will incorporate clips from some of his bigger works like Buffy, the Avengers, Dr. Horrible, Angel, and Firefly/Serenity, and maybe Cabin in the Woods. I was thinking of making it a music video of sorts, editing the clips to the song “Hollow Moon” by AWOLNATION. I chose that song because when I first listened to it it reminded me of a lot of Whedon’s characters and what they go through as heros and I think it’d be an interesting fit for his work. By making this video I’d be able to get a sense of how invested Whedon’s fans really are. There are a ton of fan made videos of Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible and pretty much all of Whedon’s work all over the internet. Whether good or bad they take a lot of time and hard work to make and I’d like to personally see just how far fans are willing to go to show their love of Whedon.

Final Project Ideas

I am torn between two ideas for my final project. My first thoughts were to take a piece of our group project we had talked about and dive deeper into the Toy Story world. I would write a fan fiction preview story of Toy Story 4 in which Sid has grown up and become the trash man, still haunted by the night he saw the toys come to life. A group of broken toys gathered together at the dump, of which Sid s the owner and where he lives. These broken toys see what life has done to Sid and want to find a way to help him through his fears and live a happy life. The broken toys would be a chance to create new characters in the Toy Story world as well as possibly bringing back older characters who have been thrown out. My other idea would entail rewriting Serenity or writing the next piece in the Firefly world to renew the franchise not hinder and put it in limbo like Serenity did. The story would either jump off from the end of the show and fill in the gap between the show and Serenity or it would avoid that storyline and branch off into a new story about the crew and their future. I am not sure which one I want to do and would love some feedback as to which do you think would work better in terms of connecting it to fandom, fan fiction, or obviously Whedon himself. I think that Toy Story 4 could be another chance for Whedon to show what he could do with a diverse group of characters and with broken toys the character ideas could be endless. While firefly represents a world created by Whedon with such a following and rabid fans that the want for more from this style, this creation is endless.

Final Project – Austin

As a voice actor, I was somewhat disheartened I didn’t get to use my skills during our trailer group project, so I’ve decode to put them to use for my final project. I have two quite disparate inspirations for a short audio piece based on Cabin In The Woods: the website for the fictional SCP Foundation, and Harry Potter. SCP shares quite a bit with the underground facility of Cabin: a (to quote Welcome to Night Vale) “vague, yet menacing government agency” charged with containing and keeping tabs on all manner of supernatural and reality-defying beasts and substances (such as a staircase that seemingly descends forever, inhabited by a being that is merely floating eyes and a mouth, but no visible face or body). From the last book in the Harry Potter series comes PotterWatch, a sort of podcast run by the Weasley twins in hiding to keep the resistance against Voldemort informed of its goings-on. Combining these two ideas, I would love to do a short (5-7 minute) audio piece of the activity of the facility in Cabin. Could be a short prequel, as well as near the end possibly splicing in faraway bits of audio from the film, announcing the release of the zombie Buckner family as the teens arrive at the cabin. I think this would be a interesting day to imagine what the people at the facility might be up to before getting into “work mode”, and how dealing with possibly one or two escaped creatures might put a damper on their attitude for the day. I hope to be able to add in music and sound effects as well. I’d love feedback!